SDT Spiral Locker

a liquid locker for Stake DAO protocol governance token SDT.

In exchange for locking SDT in a Spiral Locker, users receive a liquid version of veSDT โ€” Spiral Stake DAO (sprSDT) token โ€” a token retaining boosting power that is transferable and tradable.

sprSDT Staking

  • By staking sprSDT, users are able to acquire boosting power that can be utilized, sold, or delegated.

  • This comes with additional native SPR incentives.

sprSDT Boost Delegation

With the SDT Spiral Locker, users can manage their boost delegation via the locker page, selecting their desired time periods and delegation addresses. The system allows a flexible approach to boost delegation, including re-delegation, to maintain optimal boost power over time. This feature is set to expand, with support for Concentrator and Paladin boost markets to be added in the future.

Delegating boosts to any address

sprSDT holders can delegate their boosts to any address, personalizing their utilization strategy on Stake DAO.

Delegating boosts to Concentrator (Coming Soon)

This feature will allow users to delegate boosts to the Concentrator for additional rewards.

Delegating boosts to Paladin (Coming Soon)

With Paladin launching a new product to augment its boost marketplace capabilities, users will be able to delegate boosts to Paladin's marketplace directly through the Spiral website.

sprSDT Voting Power

Initially, the SDT voting power will not be distributed, as integrating this feature is technically challenging and not currently a priority.

sprSDT Liquidity

Will be added during the week after launch. Users will be able to participate as liquidity providers in the sprSDT/SDT pool to earn additional rewards.


  • Minting Fee: No fee will be charged for minting.

  • Staking Fee: Initially, there will be no fees for staking. However, a 10% fee will be introduced in the upcoming months.

Last updated